Child Loss:

For those seeking survival and joy after child loss.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

12th Anniversary

Today is my 12th wedding anniversary.  12 years ago today, my husband and I got married.  I look at pictures of myself then, before 15 child losses in a row, including the loss of my sweet Alli, before the legal complications, before stress and worry filled my 40-year-old face with worry lines.  I see my smile then: how innocent, how carefree, how easy that smile seemed.  I miss that easy way I saw the world, the "it can't happen to me" philosophy I had.  I did not know I would face pregnancies that would be off-the-charts with their risk, including that vicious Kell antibody, a.k.a. the killer antibody that stands in the way of any baby that makes it past first term.

I wonder if I had known then, 12 years ago, what I would face if I would still have moved forward as I have.  I know I would have done some things differently.  But would I have chosen differently when it came to marrying my husband?  I don't think so.  But I think my smile would have been a lot less easy or carefree.  I think it's probably a good thing that we don't know everything that's coming.  Sometimes, we'd rather just not know.  But I know I made the right choice 12 years ago, even with the trials we've been through.  I prayed about it.  My husband prayed about it.  We both knew without a doubt it was right.  And I wouldn't trade my live children for anything.  Sometimes, I just miss my easy smile.  I miss the self I was before I knew hell could happen to me, too.