Child Loss:

For those seeking survival and joy after child loss.

Monday, October 10, 2022

When Your Doctor's Office Doesn't Get the Memo


I got a text a couple of weeks ago that felt like a punch to the gut. "Alamanda hasn't been to see the doctor in a while. It's time to set your appointment." Something like that. Now, I know my doctor has been with us since before my first was born. He's great. But he recently turned a lot of work over to his nurse, who is new. She didn't know she was inquiring about my baby who died 12 years ago in an accident that killed my innocence and ripped out my heart. She didn't mean to send a trigger. But in not checking the file, she sent me a major trigger. 

[Fixing up a house-source]

Then, a short time later, I had to text back because of a UTI. I haven't had a UTI since I had one of my last miscarriages. Pregnancy usually brings UTIs, not working all day on fixing up a house we built 3 years ago, just so my sister could trash it in those short years. Oh, and not hydrating enough in the process. So when the blood came, it reminded me of a miscarriage. And the diagnosis reminded me of pregnancy. Yeah, that's another fun trigger. Brings everything back, so I have to stare at it. 

[The nurse comes in-source]

And when I went to talk face-to-face with that same nurse who sent me the misdirected text, she didn't know my history either. She expressed sympathy but no knowledge of my 16+ miscarriages. Trigger.  One would hope that your doctor's office and any reps thereof would get the memo on stuff like this. It's easy to trigger someone when you blunder into a person's health history unprepared.  I'm trying not to get bitter about the little things. It would just be nice if someone did her research. But if one hasn't gone through it, it's hard to know what a landmine such a history is. I try to remember that. It can just be hard some days.