Child Loss:

For those seeking survival and joy after child loss.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mourning with Those that Mourn

The Lord has a way of reminding me that I have been richly blessed.  When I start to feel down over losing my baby and my miscarriages, I'll hear a story or meet a person who has lost more.  When I meet people like this, I'm reminded I have much to give because of the empathy I've learned through our experiences.

A friend of mine told me a story of friends of his who lost their kids to the state and have to struggle to get them back.  We came close when my baby died, and investigators set us up for the fall through false evidence and fabrications.  The Lord protected us through a series of miracles.  Sometimes, people have a tendency to judge those who have legal troubles and/or are in danger of losing their kids.  When I meet people under the same threat, I have nothing but empathy and understanding.  

Another friend of mine was thrown into a legal mess by someone she considered friend.  She's lost everything or almost everything because of it, including friendships, trust, freedom, and valued possessions.  And it was in no way her fault.  It was all the result of lies.  We talked this week about what we'd been through, what we'd lost, and how hard it was to know we were innocent and find ourselves unable to prove it.  We cried together, and it felt good.  I've been blessed to be in a unique position to help her out during her time of hardship when she was staring into the face of homelessness.  I know the Lord gave me this opportunity to help her because He trusted me to act as his hands.  

When we go through hardships like loss and legal trouble, we can allow it to destroy us and make us bitter, or we can allow it to teach us empathy and gratitude for what we have.  It's now the holiday season, a time to remember to be grateful and to show greater love, understanding, and generosity.  It's easy to allow these seasons to remind us of our loss.  It's a time when a lot of us sink into depression as we consider what or whom we don't have with us right now.  But it's up to us how we approach this season.  Do we allow it to weigh us down or do we lift ourselves by looking for ways to lift others?  Sometimes, it's more than we can do to reach outside the darkness we're in right now.  That's when the Lord may send us angels and hands of heaven to lift us up.  

I pray all who read this find a way to survive this holiday season, find someone to cry with, find people to lift and people who will lift them in return.  I also pray the Lord will be with you and help you and those you love through this time of darkness and light.