Child Loss:

For those seeking survival and joy after child loss.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

When Your Greatest Fear Takes Another Shape

[My former greatest fear--source]

My greatest fear used to be spiders. However, after I lost my closest brother and my baby and had 16+ miscarriages in a row, I learned there are much, much worse things to fear than (most) spiders. All spiders can usually do is give you physical pain. Emotional pain that comes with the loss of family members makes a mere spider bite, even one that lands you in the hospital, trivial by comparison. A spider may leave holes in your flesh that will most likely heal. The world-shaking loss of loved ones hollows you out and leaves no part of your world untouched. 

[My Disney Princess: Source]

For 12 years, my greatest fear has been to lose a family member. People talk about helicopter parenting derisively with reason. But my husband and I became predator drone parents to defend ourselves from ever dealing with that kind of catastrophic loss. All of the emotional scarring of loss was made much, much worse when CPS attempted to destroy my family with false accusations that tried to tear us apart. That, alone, is a very long, ugly story some would find farfetched, and some would nod along to because they've had their own experiences with that kind of nightmare. It doesn't help that my brain became a worthless fog after my catastrophic losses. I understand brain fog is pretty normal. That's right. I've become Marlin and Dory from Finding Nemo. I don't recommend it. It's stressful and frankly terrifying. It's exhausting to live in a world where not just loss but any kind of loss becomes a very real possibility at any time. 

[Another kind of loss--source]

So when a family member recently nuked their family with the big D, becoming far more destructive than necessary without careful thought to the consequences, I felt like a brand new black hole tore into my carefully duct-taped semi-comfortable reality. The way this family member destroyed their family brought threats of CPS way too close to home. It's a long, ugly story that has only begun. There are not likely to be any winners, only losers.  And it brought back all the pain, all the trauma of my past.  Worst of all? We come away from it wondering how many family members may be lost to this black hole. The fears and traumas that seemed carefully buried have reared their ugly heads again.  

[Heartfelt prayer--source]

Just thinking about it leaves me in shock. I don't know how to emotionally tread through this minefield. I didn't cause it, but I have only begun to ponder what consequences these events may have. All I can do is pray for all involved and hope that's enough to bring a miracle.