Child Loss:

For those seeking survival and joy after child loss.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tears of Hope

I listened to the LDS broadcast of General Conference over the weekend.  Every time they spoke of death, I cried.  It still hurts.  Missing my babies will hurt until we are together [physically again.]   I cry from my own loss, and I cry from empathy for others who have lost.

But they were good tears because with such a spiritual feast, I'm reminded that there is hope, that my angels are very much with me, watching over me, and looking forward to our reunion one day.  The second to last talk of the conference by Elder Johnson especially hit home.  He spoke of his daughter who left behind her young family when she died of cancer.  He spoke of hope and love.  He focused on the atonement, that the Lord suffered and died to overcome and understand our sin, death, and pain as well.  Because of the atonement, there is hope.  There is life after death.  We will all be resurrected and live again. Those of us who have lost will hold our loved ones again.

My boy was at a loss, how to comfort me when I started to cry.  But he did the right thing in just hugging me.  Because they were good tears, healing tears, tears of hope.  There are times, often when I'm not feeling spiritually strong, that surviving one day without those I have lost is too much.  But there are times when I am strengthened by the Spirit.  The Spirit can give any of us love, comfort, and hope if we seek it.  We can know this life is not the end, that there is hope to be together again.  We just need to seek the Father of all in prayer, and we can know it, feel it, understand there is hope not just for people in general but for us, for me, for you.  Sometimes, it's good to cry.