But from my point of view, our angels are not far away. They can many times see us, though we cannot see them. This is not to say that I believe that our angels have nothing better to do than to stare at us all day long. They are busy. But we can reach them.
I truly believe that reaching our loved ones can happen through prayer--we can pass on messages to them through our prayer, not that we pray to them directly--and through writing letters. Sometimes, messages we speak can reach them. I think that what with our loved ones being so close, they could read our notes or have them passed on to them. This may not match with what you believe, but that's okay. Many people believe that writing and speaking out helps them work through their pain. Even if you don't believe messages can be passed on through written word, spoken word, or prayer, at the very least, you'll be helping yourself work through your issues. But I believe that messages can be passed on to our loved ones through written, spoken, and prayed word. Heaven is nearby.
Many believe our loved ones watch over us when they can. They want to see that we are happy and moving on. I'm sure it causes them pain to see us in constant mourning. I have written my emotions out through journaling, through blogging, through letters to my loved ones beyond, and many other kinds of writing. I have prayed that hugs be passed to my loved ones beyond. I've have prayed to know that my angels were with me at important moments.
I know this can work for you. Even if you don't believe this can help your loved ones, know it can help you. Our angels are not far away, and they continue to love us where they are.